"...present your body as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God..."

(Romans 12:1)



 Three pillars supported by a  foundation built on relationships



Metabolic Health


Functional Health


Mental & Emotional


Identity & Purpose


Stronger Together

The Daniel Plan

The Daniel Plan was first introduced as a church-wide program at Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church in 2011.  The Daniel Plan is far more than a diet.  It is a lifestyle program based on five faith-based essentials:  Faith, Food, Fitness, Focus and Friends.  Faith and Friends are often neglected in other health and fitness programs but are what Rick Warren calls the “Secret Sauce” that makes the Daniel Plan so effective.  Click here to view a promotional interview with Dr Warren, Dr Hyman and Dr Amen on “Good Morning America”.


Healthy & Fit4Life

Healthy and Fit4Life borrows the essentials from the Daniel Plan and updates the Food, Fitness and Focus essentials with the latest information from the medical, fitness and mental health literature.  Research tells us that 88% of Americans are metabolically unfit.  Many are suffering from chronic diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, dementia and PCOS.  Often the approach of modern medicine is to treat the symptoms with medications without addressing the underlying causes.  This program is focused on identifying and correcting the cause which is insulin resistance.


What People Are Saying

Our graduate's success speaks volumes.

"I always thought dieting was about counting calories... that never worked for me... this program taught me how food affects me and how to properly maintain a balance of exercise and nutrition..."

Jordan, 21


"I'm thinking better,
I'm moving better,
I'm sleeping better,
I'm more mentally alert,
It's just a win, win"


Brad, 75


“If you use the resources, follow the steps of the program step by step, you will receive results. It may not be easy, but definitely worth it… ”


Tyler, 35


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